Rita Couto

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Fonds DAKU Supports "La Gran Drama-Tisch"

Coming down to the longest street show co-created by artistic collectives Nowhere Kitchen, Soy Division and Lalove’s Kitchen! This has been a year-long project in the making, which culminated in a durational live performance on the 3rd of September of 2021, in the Schillerkiez neighborhood, in Neukölln.

Jumping aboard to document this monumental 6-hour show after two years of désolée really shook things up. The piece features the collectives that have been keeping alive the multidisciplinary space Sari-Sari, in Lichtenraderstr. 49. A space that brought so many talents, ideas and the local neighbourhood together in the past five years.

And since we are curfew free, consider doing your next event at Sari-Sari space, reach out to Pepe Dayaw and ask for details. It has an industrial kitchen, a living room and a basement. I would like to see this space thrive again and be home to fruitful gatherings. So we can support our folks in the spaces they shine ✨

This production was funded by Fonds Darstellende Künste (Fonds DAKU) through the Bund Deutscher Amateur Theater (BDAT) and NEUSTART KULTUR #takeaction 2021