EXPLORING THE ENDOTIC. An invitation to look to the imperceptible of everyday life and rethink space through experience and time. Facilitated by Berlin-based artist and curator Lorenzo Sandoval.


SENSITIVE OBSERVERS. WE ARE THE WORLD AND HOW TO CONSTRUCT SOCIAL PLATFORMS FOR IT. A workshop about social constructions for participatory art projects, introducing methods from both in- and outside the art world. Facilitated by Danish artist Stine Marie Jacobsen.


THE ARTISTIC MISSION: WHAT IS THE ROLE OF AN ARTIST IN A FOR-PROFIT ECONOMY? An investigation on the role of art in the current economy, applying conceptual tools and artistic practices to explore the possibility for new value systems to appear, thus expanding the notion of professionalism within the creative industries and the arts. Facilitated by Spanish artist Diego Agulló.

AFFECT: Artistic Residency Program


I have collaborated with Agora Collective, an interdisciplinary space in Berlin Neukölln directing, shooting and editing a series of five interviews as an overview of the AFFECT Summer Program 2015.

AFFECT is supported by the EU Creative Europe Programme and consists of a    5-month long program of five consecutive modules each led by an international artist, tutoring a collective of 12 participants to explore a topic and develop a set of practices and research methodologies over the period of one month.
